Terms and Conditions

1. Registration

By signing up, the customer offers TangoSpirit the conclusion of a contract, whereby is the registration by email necessary.
Effective conclusion of this contract is the declaration of acceptance of Tango Spirit. By signing the contract, the customer receives a registration confirmation by e-mail. The deposit is 100% of the cost of the tango event and is due within 4 weeks, but in any case before the event.
All costs for hotels and / or travels are not to be paid directly to Tango Spirit but to the respective provider.

2. Right of rescission and termination

The customer may withdraw from the contract with Tango Spirit at any time before the start of the event through a written declaration of rescissio. If the customer withdraws from the contract Tango Spirit looses its entitlement to the agreed price. Tango Spirit may though require a reasonable compensation. The amount of this compensation, taking into account the expenses saved, is as follows:

Up to 28 days before the start of the event 10%
Up to 7 days 50%,
Up to one day 80%
And on the day of the event 100% of the price.

If individual parts of the booking are canceled, the entitlement to fulfillment of the rest of the booking is no longer applicable.
This applies in particular to the workshops, seminars and room categories booked for the remaining period.

The obligation to pay compensation shall not arise if a substitute person is found for the returning participant by the costumer.
Furthermore, the customer has the right to prove lower costs arising from the rescission.

3. Validity

These general conditions are recognized by every customer as part of the travel contract.
The invalidity of individual provisions of the travel contract does not result in the invalidity of the whole travel contract.

Tango Spirit
Busch & Küttner GbR
Deutsche Bank Berlin
IBAN: DE52 1007 0024 0768 5688 00

Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 294311378